The Magenta Project that had been launched after the Volvo Race of 2014-15 plans to continue the legacy of an all-female team SCA by displaying sailing one of the sports where women can take part directly against men on the level playing field. Here, they offer an update regarding a change in the spot.

These classes are known to have been a part of the modern Olympic with the inception of it in the year 1986 for female and male sailors. In the year 2016, this had been the first sports to have a mixed gender class that was compulsory.
Offshore yacht race is quite different from dinghy racing and the classes for the Olympic dinghy. Presently, off sailing is taken to have one of the lowest percentages of female participants in the sport for open gender. So, the question is, where will the talent for this new mixed pair Olympic class come from?
The Magenta Project seems to focus clearly on enabling opportunities and develop networks for female sailors. It also plans on creating awareness for women sailing and wants to promote their success stories. This year they have launched their mentoring program by liking the uprising sailors along with mentors who will be able to help them to reach their goal.
More than 34 applicants from twelve nationalities are matched with the mentors around the world on a 6-month program which is now underway.