The Festival of Sails 2017 has opened the entry after the release of the Notice of the Race. The event is presented by Rex Gorell Land Rover and the new additions along with the dates have been outlined. It includes Trailable boat series and Off the Beach.

The new dates have brought the Festival closer to the Rolex Sydney Hobart’s finish in the beginning of January. Around 14 divisions have been listed on the racing schedule that includes the Sydney 38 one designs, multihulls and sport boats. In case there are adequate yachts designed before 1970 there will be a special series run by Denis Thompson. There would be 2 new series aiding for trailable boats and OTB.
The sailing program’s extension takes place from 25th and continues through 26th of January which is the Australia Day to the last day of the racing till 27th. This is when the action of on-road of the Cadel Evans program will take place, with one lucky winner taking home the first prize of a week’s Bareboat Yacht Charter Scotland.
The principal regatta is hosted by the Royal Geelong Yacht club, and there would be a Grand Pix series scoring for high rated IRC yachts. The South Australian skipper of the TP52 Geoff Boettcher said that his team really enjoys the start of Melbourne and it is one of the best advantages of staying within the dates of the Festival. It would be quite exciting to see plenty of boats and he is hoping that they can close up on top 2. Boettcher said that the new dates of Festival suit his plans of delivering the boat from Hobart back to Adelaide.